The won contract included: design works and the fabrication, delivery and installation of a stack with a height of H = 25 m. We made a shaft with a diameter of D = 1000 mm and an insulated acid-resistant (1.4404, t = 3 mm) flue duct with a diameter of Dn = 800 mm. In addition, the stack is equipped with ladders, maintenance access equipment and Tuned Liquid Damper designed by DeltaCamino Sp. z o.o.
The stack was delivered to the customer in its entirety, which was a big challenge in terms of logistics due to the approx. 300 km route. The transport was carried out by Trans-Majerczak, which specializes in the transport of oversized loads. The whole set was: 32 m long; 3.5 m wide and 3.9 m high.